“What I'm looking for as a recorder maker is clear, flexibel sound, rich in harmonics, where the breathing of the player can stream freely and makes the entire instrument resonate.”


How it started

Has a musician Marco Magalhães was fascinated with the possibilities of manipulating the sound using varied playing technics. At a certain moment, Marco Magalhães started to manipulate his own instruments looking for the certain determined sound. 

Apprentice by Fumitaka Sato & Adrian Brown

From one thing come another: in 2010 he started making his own recorders with the supervision of the well known japanese recorder maker Fumitaka Saito. Marco also visited in the regular bases the Adrian's Brown workshop, one of the most known recorder maker, for feedback and ideas. 


Marco Magalhães is mainly interested on copy historical instruments from the renaissance and the barok periode. For this reasons, he builds instruments that in nowadays less used, with the pitcht a=415Hz and instruments with single holes. Most of the times, he use buxus for the baroque models and maple for the renaissance exemplars..  


Hier you can find an overview of the different models that Marco Magalhães makes. 

My instruments 

'Filling the gap' project


In 2015 he worked together with Fumitaka Saito on making a reconstruction of a medieva recorder consort for the project "Filing the gap" from the Aventure ensemble. The source for this reconstruction is an instrument that has the name Dordrecht recorder, where both makers together with Ita Heijmans made an CT-scan and one 3D print version. This instruments are build for concerts in 2016 and they also will be part of the project in the 2016/2017. 

In 2015 werkt hij samen met Fumitaka Saito aan een reconstructie van een middeleeuws blokfluitconsort voor het project Filling the gap van Aventure ensemble. Als inspiratiebron voor deze reconstructie dient de zogenaamde Dordrecht blokfluit, waarvan de beide bouwers samen met Ita Heijmans een CT-scan en een 3D geprinte versie lieten maken. De instrumenten zullen te horen zijn op concerten in 2016.